Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sex is Dental floss for your Spirit by Odilia Rivera-Santos

There are many kinds of sex to be had with a partner. Some prefer the noncommittal detached sexual tryst in which no one will make chicken soup and deliver it to the one suffering from the flu on a stormy winter day.
Some opt for a more spiritual connection in which you would not only make the chicken soup from scratch, but you would be willing to work on yourself in order to remain attractive through the many winters and storms of life.
What makes a person attractive to another person so that sex is not merely acrobatics, but a profound connection and conversation?
Attractiveness and desirability ...
Taking care of one's self is not just a matter of doing sit-ups and cardio. 
There is a lot of internal work to be done.
Are you kind?
Are you emotionally sober in a relationship?
Are you able to bring value to your time together?
Are you able to love yourself and represent your healthy sense of self in your choice of words and friendships?
Are you proud of your partner as a person apart from his/her material possessions and status?

I have always been a proponent of monogamy and believe those unable to sit still with one person are deeply insecure and dissatisfied with themselves.
Sex is dental floss for your spirit only when the connection between two people is rooted in a desire to share the wonderous fast journey that is life.

Being handsome or pretty, smart, and/or successful are great attributes, but are you romantically presentable?

Buy my book here: Love When You Say Love

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